4 Easy Ways to Melt Chocolate
在那里时是下面融化巧克力列出的四个外方式,他们是不是真的值得尝试,而这些仅仅是你真正需要的人。Each method will be explained and comes with a few pros and cons, so’ll be able to decide which one is right for you depending on how you’ll use the chocolate in the end, how much time you have, and how many tools you want to pull from the depths of your cupboard.
用微波加热巧克力是我的最快方法lting it, but it can also be a bit annoying having to hover by the microwave and stir every 20 to 30 seconds. It’s also sometimes hard to gauge exactly when to stop microwaving, so be cautious and stir really well before microwaving again. Whatever you plan on doing with the melted chocolate, you can use this method.
This method takes a bit longer than the microwave method, but is relatively hands-off and requires no extra clean-up in the end, as the saucepan doesn’t have to be washed. This is my preferred method, not just because I don’t have a microwave. Since the heat from the steam is so gentle, the chocolate melts much more evenly than it does in the microwave. Whatever you plan on doing with the melted chocolate, you can use this method.
3. How to Melt Chocolate in a Slow Cooker or Crock Pot
To melt chocolate in a slow cooker or crock pot, you’ll need: a slow cooker or crock pot filled about one-third of the way up with water, and a wide mouth glass jar filled with chocolate. Set the glass jar (or multiple!) in the crock pot, making sure no water gets into the glass (this is super important to keep the chocolate from seizing up). Leave the slow cooker or crock pot on the highest heat and let the chocolate-filled jars, uncovered, sit in the hot water for about 30 minutes. When you return, stir the chocolate and use.
This is not a very quick method (both the microwave and stove top methods will be much faster if you need chocolate in a hurry), but if you have a slow cooker or crock pot, some time, and want to melt multiple types of chocolate at once, this definitely your best bet. Just place as many glass jars as types of chocolate in the slow cooker, fill them, and walk away. It’s that simple. Whatever you plan on doing with the melted chocolate, you can use this method, but it’s definitely the simplest option for melting many kinds of chocolate at once.
4. How to Melt Chocolate in a Plastic Bag
这种方法最适合少量的巧克力,你想使用更精确的装饰。简单地剪断袋和使用该拐角的裱花袋为纵横交错过饼干, bars,cakes, 要么ice cream。
How to Use Melted Chocolate
There arelots of dessert recipes(想想巧克力蛋奶酥,巧克力慕斯,一定布朗尼蛋糕和食谱,松露,还有一些糖衣或糖霜)想到把融化的巧克力,但也有很多的这些食谱以外的方式。记住这三个D'S-毛毛细雨,浸渍,and decorating-and让你融化的巧克力的想象力。
Drizzling over fresh cut summer fruits? Delicious! Eating as a dip for salty crackers with a glass of milk and calling it a midnight snack? Why not? With the methods you know now, melted chocolate is well within your expertise anytime.