Linda Raymond/盖蒂张照片
与流行的信念相反,并非所有葡萄酒都随着年龄而改善。收集者垂涎的复古瓶子在长时间内明确到成熟。大多数葡萄酒 - 即使是您可能为特殊场合购买的葡萄酒 - 也应该只存放一两年,之后他们冒着糟糕的风险。一瓶酒也是可能在其到期日之前通过它的素数,这是一种毁灭性的实现你自己倒了一杯经过漫长,艰难的一天。If you’re questioning whether or not your wine仍然值得饮酒, here’s how to examine it.
How Does Wine Go Bad?
一瓶葡萄酒已经打开,它就在途中糟糕。露天瓶子将葡萄酒暴露在空气中,慢慢氧化它。随着时间的推移,空气开始转化丙醛 - 在所有葡萄酒中发现的挥发性化合物 - 进入醋酸,逐渐将该葡萄酒变成醋。这就是为什么如果没有将在单个坐姿完全消耗的情况下,一个开放瓶的葡萄酒是非常重要的,理想地使用可以从其瓶子中从瓶子或您选择存储它的任何容器中取下氧气的装置。
一旦密封,store the winein the refrigerator; cold temperatures will slow down the oxidation process, but will not stop it. Refrigerating wine may give your bottle an extra day or two, but not much more.
Unopened wine can also go bad, and if you’re building a collection of vintages to age in the comfort of your own home, it’s imperative they’re stored correctly so your heart isn’t broken when you finally pop that cork. Store bottles on their sides so that the cork is always in contact with the wine itself, which will prevent them from drying out. A dry cork will let small amounts of air to seep in, which will slowly oxidize the wine while it languishes in storage.
The first thing to inspect on a bottle of wine is the cork; if it looks like it’s out of place — particularly if it’s been pushed out a bit — there’s a chance that chemical reactions have occurred within the bottle that have created excess gas, dislodging the cork with a build-up of pressure. It could also mean that at some point the wine was overheated for a considerable amount of time, and if you passed high school chemistry, you may remember that heat expands.
Next, pour some wine into a glass and examine it. If you notice any specks of broken cork, odd cloudiness, or looks like it’s been contaminated by any sort of foreign material, throw it out and never look back. Look for tiny bubbles — ifyour wine is sparkling但你没有买一个闪亮的酒,这意味着您的葡萄酒经历了二次发酵。如果你想喝你的双重发酵葡萄酒,那么它非常安全,但你可能会因为它开发的强烈酸味而感到失望。
If you’re drinking a well-aged vintage a darker color is acceptable, but for younger wine, it is not.
一个糟糕的气味就是一定要知道你赢了e is bad — remember, your sense of smell is connected with your sense of taste, so if you find a whiff of wine to be completely repulsive, it will taste just as bad, or worse. However, a spoilt wine will not always emit a strongly offensive odor, so you need to be on the lookout for telltale notes. Aerate the wine by swirling the glass and sniffing the bouquet, looking for a musty, moldy scent; some compare this smell to a damp basement, or a wet dog.如果你闻到醋或腐烂的鸡蛋,这意味着你的葡萄酒现在已经用硫磺成熟,并且应该直接倾倒排水管。
How Does It Taste?
如果通过视觉和嗅觉的检查不会培养任何耀眼的红旗,你需要通过实际品尝葡萄酒来完成最终决定。有几件事要寻找,这将表明你的葡萄酒很糟糕。如果你喝红葡萄酒,那就不应该过于甜蜜(除非是港口或甜酒),如前所述,如果一个非闪亮的葡萄酒闪闪发光,那就脱火了。如果有类似于醋的剧烈味道,葡萄酒是不好的。如果它没有像你真正享受饮酒的东西一样,你不应该。Easy peasy.