胡利萨阿尔塞,笔者My (Underground) American Dream, says she used her spare time reading career books, which helped her plan out how to go from being an intern to being the vice president at Goldman Sachs—in just five years. "I stayed with family an hour and a half away to save on rent, and I used the commute to read卡内基沟通与人际关系两次,“她告诉CNBC,那么,”我看书等之后,想出了一个计划与成功有约."
To follow suit, we tapped 14 entrepreneurs to find out which books were instrumental in starting their businesses.You don't need to spend thousands of dollars on courses—just start with these smart and seriously serviceable books.
“I read砂砾early on, and it demonstrated to me that you just have to keep trying and perfecting your craft and continue innovating. I recommend it to any business owner, as often when you're working on your own, you can get into a bit of a rut or even become complacent.砂砾提醒了我继续下去,并继续工作,以推动我的业务向前发展。Everyone needs a bit of grit!" says Tran.
“我的一个很好的朋友给我的一个副本战争的艺术。It's not a 'sit down and read it in one session' type of book. But I was facing some challenging moments, and she left a copy on my desk with a note that said 'you need this.' I opened a page randomly, and it said, 'Know yourself, and you will win all battles.' It resonated immediately with me.有时创始公司就像是一个战争:你需要纪律,比赛计划,信心,以及了解敌人(竞争)。我把它放在我的办公桌时刻时,我发现事情艰难。It's not always relevant, but sometimes, it's a better pep talk than any inspirational Instagram post," says Kennedy.
“狗鞋is absolutely incredible. He has a unique story and has obviously built Nike into a global icon. In his memoir, he doesn't just highlight the successes he's had, but he's also candid about the struggles of doing something different and new. It's illuminating, relatable, funny, and inspiring—everything you need in a good read," says Fulop.
“Delivering Happiness就是这样一个伟大的书,因为它把一个巨大的重点放在企业文化和员工士气。当建立一个企业,有这么多的事情要考虑,收入,支出,增长和雇佣,等等,所有这一切都是您成功的关键。它可以是很难知道什么优先。我已经从谢家华的书了解到,从我在镀时间,是,如果你专注于你的员工和投资早期建设一个积极和支持的文化,一切将水到渠成。”卡普说。
“One of the leadership books I enjoy rereading is沉思由马可奥勒留。即使它写于公元180年,他的许多关于领导力的想法仍然是那么重要和鼓舞人心的今天。其中的教训,我生活的尝试是不要让自己染上消极,判断和悲观情绪,并与善良,同情,和开放的心脏,而不是领导,”冯哈伯说。
“While I didn't read精益启动直到大约一年后,我开始Farmgirl花,它是一个工具性的书,我搞清楚如何通过早年导航业务。它给了我许可年初推出,改变了企业的主要方面迅速,没有很多大张旗鼓的。这让我不拿失败所以个人,看他们感激的学习机会。而作为一个完美主义者,这表明我让一些事情的重要性,去争取毅力和灵活性之间的平衡,” Stembel说。
“This memoir is about author Haruki Murakami's pursuits of running and writing, but it speaks to much more than that—it's about taking risks, making sacrifices, developing discipline, overcoming fear, and building resilience. I tend to read a lot of business books, but more often than not, the non-business books (like this one) are the ones that provide the most inspiration to me as I build Mend," says Huerta.
“Mark Globe defines the importance of shifting the focus from the product to people. Being restlessly imaginative, it is crucial that you are communicating your designs but also understanding it through your consumers' eyes and through head and heart emotional connections. The greatest lesson I learned is that there's no getting there without your team. It's that simple, and it cannot be overemphasized," says Malone.