We spoke with 16 creatives from a variety of fields to get the lowdown on the nighttime rituals that they swear by, many of which we’re inspired to adapt ourselves.
Wash Off the Day
“For me, the best way to decompress before bed is with a hot shower and my nightly skincare routine. I've also addedEquilibria CBDinto my routine, which helps me calm down before bed and sleep more soundly. On Sunday nights, I like spending a little extra time on my skin with a face mask and putting fresh sheets on my bed. No better way to sleep than that!"—克莱山, blogger and founder ofCarly A. Hill Communications
“I wash my face and put on every nighttime beauty product I can manage. It’s unclear how much they work, but they feel indulgent and it's one of my favorite times of day. I also try to drink a giant glass of water, since I've likely not consumed enough during the day. Then, I set my phone to night mode so I can disconnect and read my current book or watch朋友风化。“-Shaheen Khan.,博主为低点到奢华
“我的睡前仪式可能听起来像不同的时代一样,但我是一个狂热的针尖,在我睡觉之前总是缝合。这是一个放松,非常有创意的插座,我绝对热爱并推荐那些寻求远离我们所有人的iPhone屏幕依赖的人。“-艾米石头, brand creative strategist
“我的工作是漂亮的身体,所以在工作室里度过了漫长的一天,我喜欢放松一下,带一杯葡萄酒。我喜欢使用美丽的香水肥皂,真正帮助我放松,享受那个小小的时刻为'我而闻到。'和我来说是为了我身体解压缩,我也喜欢精神上逃脱工作日。我是一个大纪录片的人,所以我总是发现自己在睡前挖掘一个好的文档,以帮助休息脑海。我最近在沃霍尔和巴斯奎亚特观看了一份纪录片,这太好了。“-乔什杨, artist at Josh Young Design House
“I take a warm shower and use coffee scrub by坦率的身体要么Aesop Geranium叶子身体磨砂。Sometimes, I’ll take a warm milk soak bath. These rituals help me sleep like a baby.” —Tanika Rottura, Instagrammer @Tanika_nyclifestyle
“I look forward to changing into my favorite pajamas from湖整天 - 他们是最柔软的。完成我的夜间护肤常规和服用后Equilibria CBD, I climb into bed to wind down. I use the "sleep" function on my phone to dismiss any notifications and keep me from endlessly scrolling on Instagram. My husband and I usually watch one or two episodes ofSeinfeld.- 我们从3月开始从一开始就开始看它 - 这是一个很好的,光滑的方式来结束当天。“ -Alex Yeske, art director and graphic designer
Podcasts and Puzzles
“A strict CBD and skincare routine are my ultimate self care essentials right before bedtime, and adding both of those to my bedtime ritual has been one of the healthiest things I've done for myself in 2020. Right before heading to sleep, I read an excerpt from the book耶稣打电话by Sarah Young, and that resets my mind for the next day. If I'm still up, I'll skip out on Instagram or TikTok and head right to Pinterest on my phone. Pinning and collecting inspiration is the most calming thing to me after a day of creating content myself.” —Amy Littleson,博主和影响者营销顾问
“当我最专注和最具创造力的时候,晚间晚会都是既是偶然的。但工作的一部分是,当我准备上床睡觉时,我的思想通常在11:30左右。要抵消这一点,我带着一个热蒸汽淋浴,新鲜的桉树悬挂在我的淋浴间。没有什么比爬到淋浴的清脆床单上更放松。“ -Anastasia casey.,创始人和创意总监,IDCO Studio
"Step one of that is changing from my daytime soft clothes into my nighttime soft clothes the moment the workday is over. Then, we'll usually cook dinner and find what I call a ‘soft activity,’ like reading or watching a show (my recent favorite was高保真度on Hulu). I never dive into anything too intense on a weeknight. Then, I give myself a small amount of time each night to watch some TikToks. I know nighttime screen time is discouraged but they make me laugh—真笑 - 我认为现在非常重要。“ -泰勒卡尔德, director of content, Girls' Night In
“我变老了,我越过倾向于培养睡前惯例,以帮助关闭一天。我喜欢洗个热水澡,读了20分钟。这是我最珍惜的时间远离屏幕。也没有什么比滑倒更好的了舒适的睡衣在我看来,洗澡后羊绒袜子。我通常会让自己一杯茶。我爱Welleco睡觉茶我总是申请真正的植物压力缓解芳香疗法一旦我正式转入夜间,我的内心手腕待了一下深呼吸。我将把一个突出的睡眠冥想作为我的方案的最后一步,我通常会发现他们帮助我睡得更快地睡觉。“-Meghan Donovan., founder, wit & whimsy
“One of my bedtime rituals includes dimming the overhead lights, lighting my favorite candle, then taking a few moments just to decompress. The ambiance and scent of calming essential oils is so soothing after a long day. I also turn on my sleep playlist, comprised of my favorite slow songs. As a creative, my brain always feels like I've got a million tabs open at once. The soft tunes combined with the candle light really calm my busy brain.” —沙特阿尔州萨明姆,Sautah Saleem Interiors的设计师和所有者
“I’m 1000 percent a bath person and need a piping hot one after a long day. Bath essentials include multiple candles, a salt lamp and a Bossa Nova playlist. Post bath, I slather on a variety of face oils and put on a set of matching pjs because they help me feel like I have my life together. Lastly, I love writing in my gratitude journal to reflect on my day and remember to appreciate the little things. If I’m not tired by now, I have the very bad habit of indulging in some TikTok before bed.” —Reema Desai Boldes.,摄影师
“我们的房子里有一个规则在上午7:30之后没有电话使用或社交媒体或电脑,除非是你必须回答的朋友或家庭的文本。晚上是我们能够专注于烹饪,汇报这一天,共度美好时光,并准备床上的身体和思想。手机在请勿打扰,我们总是在床上睡觉,至少睡了八个小时(我们在5或6点醒来)。我也必须在上床睡觉前喝一块整个高大的水,以及我的夜晚充满了同样高的玻璃杯。当我遵循所有这一切时,我醒来更好,但它并不总是这样发生这种方式。在床上用一杯葡萄酒读书,回答社交媒体信息有时候也很有趣,违背自己的规则感觉很好。“ -大卫桑托里,Instagrammer @Frenchieyankee.
Silk Sleep Mask
“Aside from the everyday rituals of brushing teeth, completing my skincare routine, and throwing my hair into a loose bun, the most important part of my bedtime routine is to ‘wind down well.’ To me, this means using lowlight pretty much as soon as it gets dark (only using table lamps and candles to create ambiance and slow down the day), being screen-free, and not working for at least an hour before heading to bed. On an evening where all is going to plan, once I head to bed, I like to read for about half an hour or so to help quiet my mind and switch-off for the day. After that, I slather my hands in my fave hand cream, which right now is fromKamill。这是超级实惠的,真正的最好的。最后一步扔在我的丝绸睡眠面膜上 - 没有什么能帮助我比戴着那件事更好的睡眠!“-麦迪逊希望,风格&Studio的创始人