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Muk Luks女式amira短拖鞋靴
“现在它变得越来越冷,我一直在花费大约90%的时间在拖鞋中。我有几对,但是这个bootie风格是我绝对的最爱。里面是一个超级软羊毛,坚固的底部是柔软的在我四处走动时,他们不够噪音。“ - Bridget Mallon,助理编辑总监
Blueland X改革常规清洁套件
“我喜欢Blueland通过提供可重新填充的产品在清洁空间中削减单一使用塑料的使命。他们与改革的合作尤其值得注意,谢谢别致,低调的船只。手肥皂特别闻到令人难以置信的木本,泥土敢说,性感 - 我已经计划订购重新填充。“- Bridget Mallon,助理编辑总监
“最近由于疫情,我很少化浓妆了,但一件神奇的罩衣可以让我立刻觉得自己整装整齐。我在眼睛下面和鼻梁处抹上这个,感觉自己已经为一天的工作做好了准备,而不会看起来太过劳累。我是在那之后买的BYRDIE.网站的林赛·梅特鲁斯(Lindsey Metrus)在Instagram故事专题中对它大加赞赏。谢谢林赛!”- Mélanie Berliet,总经理
"My IKEA sofa has seen better days: the cushions are sagging, the fabric is fading, and it just isn’t as comfortable as it once was. In an attempt to extend the couch’s life, I invested in a pile of throw pillows from Society6. I had purchased several outdoor throw pillows from the brand this summer and was impressed by the quality for the price point, so I figured I’d give their indoor options a shot. I love that the covers are removable so they can be washed regularly (a must for my dog-friendly household), and that there are thousands of unique designs to choose from, each created by an independent artist. In the end I chose four geometric patterns from Moonlight Print’s shop. They give my couch a much needed pop of color and are fairly durable—Kaylee, my ten-year-old terrier mix, frequently claims them for her own bed and they’ve held up nicely." — Allison Bean, editorial director