Micheile Henderson / Outplash
所以你终于做到了,挥霍在你最喜欢的第三波咖啡店的精心设计的扁豆上。你让他们回家 - 像一个珍贵的婴儿一样携带袋子 - 让自己成为一个杯子,好奇,如果你的口味可以拿起打印在包装上的品酒笔记:黑樱桃,黑巧克力,焦糖。
但是,当你在后面拍拍时,为你的购买和你的口感感到骄傲,你的口味也比黑樱桃更多的黑莓? - 你的眼睛落在那个打开的包上,你开始汗水,想知道如何将你的豆子存放在一起他们在他们的最新鲜,最美味。
存放整个与地面咖啡豆 - 有差异吗?
To store your leftover whole beans, it couldn’t be easier—the best vessel is typically the bag the bag the beans come in. Foil-lined bags with a one-way valve help prevent oxygen from getting in, but allow carbon dioxide expelled from freshly roasted beans to escape. If your beans came in a paper bag or another type of packaging without a one-way valve, it’s best to transfer them to a clean and dry, opaque, airtight container and store them in a cool place out of direct sunlight.
如果您更倾向于预先造成的豆类,最好将它们与纸袋包装的全豆类相同 - 将它们转移到干净干燥,不透明,气密容器中,并在黑暗,凉爽的地方储存。
然而,当达到冻结咖啡豆时,答案不是那么黑白。虽然大多数专家不一定推荐冷冻咖啡,它们也不反对。据彼得·威尼亚诺州的首席研究官专业咖啡协会那冷冻豆可以减缓竞技过程,但你不应该让你的日常咖啡在冰箱里。Erika Vonie,咖啡总监贸易, 认为冷冻咖啡- 专注于原来的,未开封的包装,单向阀门 - 很好,因为它们保持在稳定的温度,远离阳光,可以脱气。
Keeping unopened packages of whole or ground beans in the freezer for later use gets the thumbs up, but if you’ve been keeping a container of your pre-ground coffee in the freezer and simply take what you need every morning—you might want to rethink your method, as it’s not ideal to keep your coffee going back and forth, in and out of the freezer.
It’s easy to get lost in the ritual of making yourself a hot cup of joe every morning, but don’t get lost in all the questions over storage—the best way to make the best brew is simply this: Buy only enough whole beans as you can use within 2 weeks and keep them in their original foil-lined bag with a one-way valve (or in an opaque airtight container), in a dark, cool place. Freshly grind only什么你需要,什么时候你需要它,你很高兴你的咖啡是最好的热还是在冰上。