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“我最担心的皮肤问题一直是发红,所以我一直在犹豫是否要用皮肤滚筒按摩器。既然我不需要在办公室见面,我想我应该试一试。我在这个制度下工作了一个星期,我可以诚实地说,我已经注意到了变化。我的皮肤看起来更丰满了,我敢说更年轻了吗?我希望它能对我的眼圈有所帮助,过去几个月来我一直有眼圈。Byrdie写真皮滚下眼袋所以我希望我能看到同样的结果。——dwyer Frame,商务高级编辑主任
"For the past couple of months I’ve had trouble sleeping, and the lack of sleep has definitely been showing on my skin. Luckily, the GinZing™ Refreshing Eye Cream from Origins is jam-packed with brightening ingredients that can help me 'fake' a full night of sleep. Stand out ingredients include coffee beans (a highly versatile component in a lot of creams), Asian ginseng, cucumber extract, and green tea extract which helps with swelling and puffiness. I’ve been using this eye cream every morning and I can already see results! P.S. For an enhanced experience, I’ve been putting my eye cream in the refrigerator so it’s extra cooling when I reach for it."—Katherine Louie, commerce editor