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这三种啤酒分别适用于12盎司和16盎司的罐装啤酒,不过他们也为你的苏打水爱好者提供“瘦身”选择,以及一系列以葡萄酒为中心的产品。几个月来,我姐姐一直在唱Brumate的赞歌。在我们最后一次家庭烧烤之后,她的啤酒在整个晚餐期间都保持着完美的温度,而我的啤酒却热得无法喝。我变成了一个皈依者。”— Allison Bean, editorial director
"This is a great product to stash in your bag if you’re going to the beach or park. The natural formula is sheer, light, and cooling (thanks to the addition of witch hazel and eucalyptus oil). It’s safe to use on the face, and it goes on clear so it won’t leave any streaks. It does have a subtle scent, but I don’t find it to be overpowering and the smell fades once it’s absorbed. As an added bonus, this gel also works great on bug bites." — Katherine Louie, commerce editor
"I have exceptionally pale skin and something as simple as a five-minute walk to get coffee can have me burnt to a crisp. To avoid sunburns while I’m at the beach, I apply (and reapply) EltaMD’s UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46. The tinted formula goes on smooth and offers a tiny bit of coverage which is better than nothing!" — Chelsea Stuart, senior commerce editor