Jeshoots / OUTLASH.
当您正在寻找储存鞋的方法时,两件事都应该在一切之前保留两件事:保持鞋子的完整性,并且在寻找右鞋穿鞋子时易于使用。Shoes kept in the most pristine condition won’t do much good if you have to sift and rummage through piles and stacks of sneakers or heels anytime you need to find a pair, which not only makes for a daily inconvenience, but can actually damage your shoes over time.
存储脚跟的最佳方法位于平坦的表面上,因此电线架是透明的。您最好的,最不磨损的成对应保持高效,以避免可能的损坏,其余的应保持在Cubby Rack中,或者在梳妆台的深色抽屉中保持挺直,这可以保持像带子的元素,从而使部件变得蓬松或撕裂。
如果您在地面设置时倾向于弯曲或懒散的高靴子,可以帮助它们通过填充靴腿内的填充材料来保持其形状。Rolling up an old magazine can keep low or mid-length boots from bending, and taller designs can stay in place with the help of an inexpensive pool noodle — just measure the noodles to your boot’s height and cut it to size, then slip in inside to keep it propped up.
Much like your nice sneakers, you’ll need to keep your leather shoes clean and dry if you want to store them without damage, so wipe them down, then find a cool, dark temperature-regulated closet or room that won’t get too hot, humid, or cold. Leather shoes will also need to breathe, so keep them in canvas or wrapped in paper rather than sealed in plastic bags or bins. To keep the shape, you can stuff them with bubble wrap, balled up paper, or use a shoe form, which is highly recommended for nice loafers and boots.