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“有一些关于让我想要的天气较冷的东西为每个角落添加纹理我的家。所以,虽然我爱我的奶油色沙发,但冬天让我渴望有点温暖,更诱人。这种赤土陶器色的被子是为您家中的任何空间添加剂量的完美方式。是的,它的预期用途是床上用品,但它也在这种情况下完美地工作。“ - Bridget Mallon,编辑总监
"I love to give (and receive!) practical presents. Something about gifting friends and family an item that will get a lot of use makes my heart happy, bonus points if the item is a slightly more luxe version of something I know they’ll love. These suede slippers from Parachute check all of those boxes. Slippers are a perennially popular holiday gift, and I know they’d be especially appreciated this year, since we’re all spending so much time at home. Made from the softest suede and lined with shearling wool, these cozy and warm without being too bulky." — Allison Bean, editorial director