Courtesy of Ruqiya Imtiaz
所以,让设计师有机会重新审视他们最喜欢的项目 - 为自己的家带来充足的灵感 - 我们正在分享这些优点将永远记住的一个房间。对于一些人来说,对于别人来说,有一种感伤的连接,他们从未想过他们克服的障碍。但无论如何,这些房间都值得记住。
Ruqiya Imtiaz ofStudio RIU把个人邮票放在她的所有设计上。但这种喜怒无常的办公空间仍然是她的佼佼者,不仅因为它的大胆色彩和复古珍品,而且因为办公室在一个特殊的地方 - 她的父母的家。他们在决定将备用卧室变成一个时尚的办公室后接近IMTIAZ,他们相信她会改变这个空间并给予新的生活。
“Every detail about this project stands out to me because I had the opportunity to create one of my most admired designs for my parents' home,” Imtiaz says. “The art and prints displayed on their shelves were created by my kids, and some of the treasures adorning the walls belong to my parents, which were passed down to them.”
这个项目真的是一个家庭事务,我将永远珍惜,永远不会忘记 - 特别是考虑到目前的气候,我不能经常探望我的家人。
Courtesy of Ruqiya Imtiaz
This office study is cool and collected, and remained so even through the challenges of COVID-19. The project was designed in a series of phases, the first beginning pre-COVID, in which the old carpet came out to make room for the new light oak floors. But things quickly stalled as product and furniture shipments were delayed. Imtiaz also wanted to keep her family healthy, and did not visit until she felt it was safe to do so.
尽管开始挑战,进步很快made as Imtiaz began to make her mark on the room. One of her favorite features of the room is the antique Pakistan rug, which happens to be a family heirloom. “The area rug is a handmade piece and was gifted to my mother from her family. She brought it with her when she first came to the U.S. 35 years ago,” Imtiaz notes. “The rug is such a beautiful contrast with the deep green walls and adds to the overall moody feel in the office.”
当然,IMTIAZ的另一个元素是CB2 Bookshelves的声明,真正讲述了一排对象的故事。“添加书架,讲述一个故事从一端到下一个故事,以及住房的所有书籍,收集的珍品和多愁善感物品对我来说非常有意义,”Imtiaz说。“它们包括自制艺术,家庭传家宝和复古收集的珍品与现代休闲装饰混合。我喜欢这种设计如何访问,以及有人如何将其实施到他们的家庭办公室中。“
Courtesy of Ruqiya Imtiaz
Imtiaz also loves the marriage of styles in this room, and she feels it is a true representation of her current style and design work. “This was the first time I decided to go so bold with color, and this has truly influenced my projects moving forward to use more color,” Imtiaz says. “It opened my eyes to having both a bold and casual space. Most times, you think of modern casual design and think all whites, neutrals, light and airy—but this proved that you can use color in a space and still create a modern casual vibe with the furniture and decor elements.”
Imtiaz项目的最骄傲的时刻看到完成了她的家人的刺激。“我爸爸走了起来,把他的老珍贵的双筒望远镜递给了货架,我的妈妈给我买了一个古色古香的东方花瓶,这是她的老师姐姐,”Imtiaz笔记。“这些时刻真的是最令人难忘的,并提醒我的原因是我选择帮助人们设计家园并帮助他们发现家真的对他们意味着什么 - 因为家真的是一种感觉。”
Courtesy of Ruqiya Imtiaz