Photo byThanos PalonUnsplash
Few flowering houseplants are as beautiful as orchids—and few have as much of a reputation for being difficult to care for. However, many of common varieties are relatively simple to grow. Even beginning home gardeners can make them bloom and thrive.
There are thousands of orchid species and hybrids, but two types are typically sold as houseplants. Phalaenopsis hybrids, also known as moth orchids have wide leaves at the bottom, with long stems topped by pink, white, yellow, or purple blooms. Dendrobium hybrids, also called cane orchids, bear several flowers along leafy, upright canes.
Most orchids are epiphytes, meaning that in the wild, they grow on the woody surfaces of other plants. Likeair plants,bromeliads,bird's nest ferns,and other epiphytes, they absorb nutrients and moisture from the air through their roots.
Orchids grow best with bright, indirect light. Try siting your plant near a south-facing or east-facing window. Dark green leaves signal that you should move the plant closer to the window, while a medium green indicates adequate light.
Plan to water once per week, checking the soil frequently until you have a good idea of your orchid’s water needs. Allow the growing medium to dry out somewhat between waterings.
Using a clear plastic pot for your orchid can be helpful in monitoring soil moisture as well as root growth.
How to Propagate Your Orchid Plant
Phalaenopsis orchids cannot be divided. They must be propagated by removing keiki, baby plants that can appear on a flower spike. To propagate orchids, you’ll need a healthy mother plant, two smaller plant pots, orchid mix, and sterilized garden shears.
How to Propagate Dendrobium Orchids
Step 4: Fill the space around the root ball with fresh orchid bark or growing medium, pressing it down firmly with your hands. The spot where the root and stem meet should be covered by half an inch. Pack the medium tightly enough around the roots so that picking up the plant by its leaves also lifts the root ball and container. Repeat with the other division.
How to Propagate Phalaenopsis Orchids
Look for keikis to grow from nodes on the flower stem of your phalaenopsis orchid. They will be small plants with their own roots and leaves. Dendrobium orchids may also grow keikis along or at the top of the cane; these can also be removed and replanted using this method.
Step 1: Allow the keiki on the mother plant to grow leaves and roots that are a few inches long.